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Mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmas, etc.

Pigment print on paper, acrylic box, resin

Mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmas, etc.

The work consists of 24 different images arranged in transparent acrylic boxes and cast in resin.
The work is the personal story of Chin, a 24-year-old girl, who has a past as a victim of appearance discrimination from family members and herself. The work is also a critique of the harmful, distorted, and twisted aspects of the current feminist movements. The artist wants to honor the beauty of women through images and moments captured in daily life. The transparent boxes are like invisible prejudices that society imposes on women, including those imposed by women on themselves. The layer of transparent resin firmly attaches to the images like deep-seated prejudices, becoming the norm in the present time. Photo by Chinbo Collective & Ngan Nguyen

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